Budget Alerts

Budget Alerts send emails to people when a budget setting is exceeded or within a certain limit.  Budgets are checked daily at midnight, using your company’s timezone setting. Once triggered, an email will be sent weekly until the budget alert is removed.

There are four budget types:

  • Cost Per Task – This budget type uses the Budgeted Cost defined for each task to determine when to trigger a budget alert.
  • Hours Per Task – This budget type uses the Budgeted Hours defined for each task.
  • Total Project Cost – This budget type uses the Budgeted Cost defined in the Project Overview.
  • Total Project Hours – This budget type uses the Budgeted Hours defined in the Project Overview.

Note: Budget alerts use approved and unapproved time. Only administrators can create budgets. And you must be on a paid plan to use budget alerts. Budget alerts are sent at 11 p.m. EST.

Creating a Budget Alert

Click Settings then Projects.  Click on the Project you want to have a budget.  Under the Budget Alert section, click Add Budget Alert. Complete the form then click Add Budget Alert.

Delete a Budget Alert

Go to the Budget Alert section under a project then click Edit. In the bottom right, click Delete Alert then confirm by clicking Yes.