A Project is a group of related time. Projects make it easy to organize time in a meaningful way. All time in WeWorked is organized by projects. Every account must have at least one project. We setup a default project named after your company when you sign up.
Viewing Projects
You can view your projects by clicking on Settings then Projects. You will then see a list of active and archived projects. To view a particular project, click on the name of the project.
Adding Projects
Click on Settings then Projects. Click Add Project. Fill out the project overview information then click Save. The basic project information has been created. You now need to create tasks and add people.
Editing Projects
Click on Settings then Projects. Click on the name of the project that you want to edit.
Archiving Projects
Projects are never completely deleted or removed. Instead, projects are archived. Once a project is archived, users are not allowed to enter time for that project. Time already entered remains.
Click on Settings then Projects. Click on the name of the project that you want to edit. Click Archive Project above the Project Overview.
Recover Archived Projects
Click on Settings then Projects. Scroll down to the group of archived projects then click on the name of the project that you want to edit. Click Recover Project above the Project Overview.