Click My Expenses in the Dashboard. Then click New Expense. Fill out the expense information then click Create Expense. You expense will go into a status of Pending. If you selected a person to be notified, an email will be sent to that person.
Category: Expenses
Delete an Expense
Click My Expenses in the Dashboard. You will see all your expenses that are Pending. Click Pending under the status column for the expense you wish to delete. Select the Delete option.
Edit an Expense
Click My Expenses in the Dashboard. You will see all your expenses that are Pending. Click Pending under the status column for the expense you wish to edit. Select the Edit option. Make your changes then click Save Expense.
Reviewing Expenses
You can only view Expenses of the people whose timesheet you can review. You will see the total number of expenses pending your review from the Dashboard. Click Expenses Pending in the Dashboard to view pending expenses.
Click on the name of the status to see expenses in that status. Click on the name of the status under the status column for the expense whose status you want to change. You will see a list of options. Denying an expense requires an explanation. An email will go to the creator of the expense explaining the reason for the denial.
Note: Change a status to Pending to allow the creator of the expense to make edits.